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Saturday 6 July 2024
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Investing traditionally is the preserve of the affluent and professional agents guiding processes and guarding capital. It is about risk and the gamble you wish to take. As people became wealthier and economic systems became more complex investment through shares became a popular option. People generally invest in safe companies that realise returns or profit within each trading cycle. The stock market is also an important place for Pension funds to place member’s savings.

From the 1970’s onwards the stock market became more volatile and the annuities – investments buying pensions became undervalued due to longevity. The smart money moved to property investment. Longer term but more stable. Like any investment property values are cyclic and can go down.

The problems of financial markets spurned a new generation attuned to individual gain. Forex and a myriad of similar binary based systems through instant access afforded by the internet fuelled a desire for greater personal commercial activity.

The binary systems proliferate in cyberspace. The names are different but the processes are the same. They make their money from individual greed and naivety. There is an urgency to make money. There are fantastic profits to be made but it is more luck than any strategy.

There are philanthropic versions based in crowd funding where someone comes up with a product or service and people can invest. The initiatives range from donating to just getting your principle sum back. Others will invest people’s money and take a percentage plus a fee.

These get rich plans are not for everyone and it all depends on affordability tempered with attitude to risk. It is a gamble and if your head rules your heart then savings and longer term investment in property and investment bonds are more for you than the heady glitz of Lottery winning returns some pundits promise.

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